There are more than 27 million humans in slavery today. Slavery know and days is fueled by commerical gain. from domestic servitude to human trafficking, there is an estimated 9 million dollar profit from modern day slavery each year. this happens all around the world. Modern day slavery in America takes advantage of those who are vulnerable and weak. people around the world are lured to America for false dreams and hope. they are promised education and freedom only to be held captive to serve and obey. This is an issue of the world today that is overlooked. They say that America is the way but its just a illusion to blind you from the truth. Greed is the thing that fuels America. Greed hides the truth. Buying into the devil sets you apart from whats real and whats fictional.
I believe that modern day slavery is far worse than those statistics. Just step outside and you can see those that are inslaved mentally. People walking around like zombies. Most of those in America are trapped in the system. walking around like the dead thinking there living. Its the whites man way of life. They make up laws to try and scare you then throw you in jail for life like it ain't some one's life. The thing is there laws do not apply to them just us. Whatever they want to do they do with no consequences. All in all they really do not care about us, just there self's. They walk amongst us like they are gods and smile in your face and feed us lie after lie about America and whats happening. The truth is right there in front of us but we refuse to see that. America's greed to take over the world is happening this very sec. They watch over us like slave owners, tapping or phones, or computers, Satellite's in the sky. All this under the Patriotic Act. They things there are capable of are unlimited. Its there way there rules and there way of living.
Now and days, there scare tactics are terrorism and food plaques, they create this illusion to hide the truth. They keep us dumb founded while they continue to control everything. This continues to happen because those in power where born into it. Those truly in power we never hear about nor do we even know who they are. Where the one's being profiled while the ones in power are safely keep secret doing whatever they please.
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