Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jealousy, Envy and Hate

This is something that is plaguing us where ever we go. People love to hate and hate to love, feeble minded people who gain some sort of enjoyment or self fulfillment that makes them selves feel better. Type of person that will go to any measure for attention and gaining all there wants. Usually over money, material things and females. Those things make them happy and they think there on top of the world but when a real person comes around, they want to have all there attributes also. A very bitch emotion. These people are haunted by the fake things they do everyday so they try and throw there frustration upon you.

They try to size you down, destroy your character. They make you believe that they are your friends but scheme on your down fall on the side. They do not WANT to see you prosper in life. they figure, If I cannot have the things that you are workin for or have, then why should you. There basically a waste of space on this earth. That's why now and days its harder than ever to be real. Instead, people tryna be what they see on TV. Then when that shit hits the fan, what else can they do in the future but hate on you and be jealous. The real always prevails at the end. The things that they wanted in the past they don't have but you do so now they envy cuz in there mind you have superiority over them.

They will test you, start actin, and talk about beyond your back. these ultimately could lead to lawsuits even possibly death. These something that i believe will always exist amongst us. We can't help everybody. Its what they want. Very sad because they just do not realize. They feed into the greed and desire then end up stuck to ego sadistic to get real. No respect, no loyalty, just false dreams with false outcomes.

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